Stock Market

AU USD $2.747,22
OTCQ: JAGGF $3.41 | TSX: JAG $4.68

Voluntary Initiatives

Jaguar believes that sharing good practices to promote integrity and against all acts of corruption is a way of making a commitment to the development of people, the company and a better country.

Below are some initiatives that Jaguar Mining supports:

The Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption was launched on June 22, 2006, at the initiative of the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility, UniEthos - Training and Development of Socially Responsible Management, Patri Government Relations & Public Policies, Programa das Nações United Nations for Development (UNDP), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Brazilian Committee of the Global Compact.

It aims to work with companies to promote a more honest and ethical market. It presents a set of guidelines and commitments to be adopted by signatory companies and entities.

In order to reinforce its institutional values, such as dignity, respect and sustainability, Jaguar Mining joined the Ethos Institute, a civil society organization of public interest (OSCIP), whose mission is to mobilize, raise awareness and help companies to manage their businesses in a socially responsible way, making them partners in building a fair and sustainable society.

The COUNTING INTEGRITY SEAL (SIC) is a recognition of companies that adopt good practice and integrity measures spontaneously and seeks to encourage companies to comply with legislation, especially Law 12,846/13, also called the Clean Company Law, ensuring transparency and good reputation in the market.

The IIA MAY Seal represents the recognition of companies that promote awareness actions about Internal Auditing, encouraging people to learn about internal auditing, breaking paradigms of the auditor's role and demonstrating the contribution that auditing can bring to the company and its employees .


Framework Seeds of Sustainability Sustainability Report Jaguar in Focus newsletter Communication and Training Voluntary Initiatives Whistleblower Hotline SSMA Policy