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MTL Complex

The MTL Complex includes the Turmalina gold mine and processing plant, three satellite deposits (Faina, Pontal, and Zona Basal), and the Onças de Pitangui Project and is located 110 kilometres west of the city of Belo Horizonte.

Turmalina Mine

Turmalina is an underground gold mine that predominantly utilizes sub-level stoping as a mining method. Backfilling is completed using loose rockfill or cemented paste depending upon the situation. The Turmalina mine consists of several zones grouped into four orebodies - Orebodies B and C, and the Faina zone. Another individual deposits, Pontal, is located along strike to the northwest.

The Turmalina processing plant is onsite, has a 2,000 tonnes per day grinding capacity, and is located within 200 metres of the C-zone portal.

Faina Zone

Faina is a new underground ore body at the Turmalina mine within the MTL Complex. Lateral development reached the Faina ore body at the end of 2023 and first tonnage milled occurred in the second quarter of 2024. Continuing development and first-stope production from the Faina zone are expected in the second half of 2024. The incremental production from Faina will fill existing capacity and increase the throughput of the processing facility at the MTL complex.


MTL Complex Caeté Complex Paciência Complex Onças de Pitangui Project Reserves & Resources Technical Reports Jaguar Mining Dams